1. Remember your child should be involved in football for their enjoyment, not yours.
  2. Encourage children to participate, do not force participation on them.
  3. Focus upon efforts and performance rather than the overall outcome of the event. This assists in setting realistic goals related to their ability by reducing the emphasis on winning.
  4. Teach players that honest effort is as important as victory so that the result of each game is accepted without undue disappointment.
  5. Encourage all spectators and players to always to play by the rules.
  6. Never ridicule or yell at your child for making a mistake or losing a competition.
  7. Remember children learn best by example. Applaud good play by both your team and by members of the opposing team.
  8. Always respect the umpire’s decision.
  9. Teach children to do likewise.
  10. If you wish to express you concern in relation to an official or umpire, raise the issue through the team manager who will report all concerns to the club or league officials.
  11. Do not challenge or question the official’s judgment or integrity in public. Remember, most officials give of their time and effort for your child’s involvement.
  12. Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from junior sporting activities. Report any abuse to club officials.
  13. Recognise and encourage the value and importance of volunteer coaches. They give of their time and resources to provide recreational activities for your child and deserve your support.
  14. Support your club officials in maintaining the highest standard of behaviour both on and off the field for the betterment of the league and your family.
  15. As a club we expect all parents to be actively involved in some capacity through time keeping scoring etc. We require parent attendance and supervision at all games. Support your child through offering your assistance to the team that your child is playing in, so that every opportunity is being provided for the very best supervision and support. Your involvement will give both yourself and your child far more satisfaction. Be aware of rosters and fulfil commitments to these.
  16. Do not swear or use inappropriate language based on gender, race or religion.
  17. All grounds are an alcohol free area at all times.
  18. All spectators and parents will abide by local smoking policy.
  19. All spectators and parents will abide by the Electronic Communication Policy which is outlines, the expectations of our club and our members. The policy can be found on our website and TeamApp

This policy was last ratified by DJFC Management Committee, May 2015.

All breeches of the DJFC Code of Conduct will be managed through DJFC Complaints Resolution Process with the Code of Conduct Officer lodging an official report. The DJFC Executive and the Code of Conduct officer will apply sanctions that reflect the breech in the DJFC Code of Conduct. Failure to abide by the DJFC code of conduct will result in:

  • A formal reprimand or warning.
  • Suspension from attendance at matches.
  • A suspended match suspension.
  • Other as deemed appropriate.